Biolys® Fat burner

Green tea with Citrus fruits
Organic tea with natural flavours!

The BIOLYS Green tea with citrus fruits tea helps burn off fat.


Green tea leaf
(Camellia sinensis)

Bitter orangebark
(Citrus aurantium)

A powerful antioxidant, green tea takes care of our health by preventing cell ageing.
Green tea is also the ideal companion for a slimming diet. Rich in caffeine and polyphenols, it prevents fatigue and stimulates fat burning.

Hibiscus flowers are mainly used in the composition of herbal teas for their sour taste and beautiful purple colour. In addition to their gustatory and visual quality, hibiscus flowers also have draining and toning properties.

Bitter orange tree bark is an ideal partner in slimming diets because it activates combustion and fat elimination.


 Adults and children from 6 years old1 to 3 cups a day


Ingredients per tea bag: Green tea leaf* 35% • Hibiscus flower* 20% • Fennel fruit* 15% • Bitter orangebark* 15% • Lemonbark* 10% • Natural flavours of lemon, orange and grapefruit.

*Product of organic farming. Checked by Certisys BE-BIO-01.

Biolys Green tea-Citrus fruits is available in:

  • Box of 24 tea bags (CNK: 3773-397) 

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